News Story

A group of five people wearing Commonwealth Games uniform, standing outside in front of a high-rise building.
Credit: © 2022 Birmingham Commonwealth Games

The Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games was 12 days of ground-breaking sports, performances, ceremonies and events. However, it could not have been possible without the help of more than 14,000 dedicated volunteers working across Birmingham, the West Midlands and beyond. Birmingham Museums Trust would like to capture the experiences of those who volunteered, as part of our project collecting the stories of the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games.

Did you volunteer at the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games, and would you be interested in participating in a short, recorded interview to capture your personal memories of being involved in the event? If so, please fill out the google form below and we will get back to you - this form has now closed.

The deadline for submissions is 31st January 2023.

We are aiming to interview approximately 10 volunteers. Interested parties will be contacted in February 2023.

Thank you.

This call-out is now closed.