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This week, thousands of Birmingham residents will receive an invitation through the post as Birmingham Museums Trust makes history by introducing the UK's first Citizens' Jury in a museum setting. This innovative initiative aims to reshape the future of Birmingham's museums by directly involving local residents in the decision-making process.

A group of people in a meeting room, they are sitting facing a person who is presenting at a whiteboard.
Credit: Shared Future CIC.

The Citizens' Jury will respond to the question:

"What does Birmingham need and want from its museums, now and in the future; and what should Birmingham Museums Trust do to make these things happen?"

Sara Wajid and Zak Mensah, Co-CEOs of Birmingham Museums Trust, said:

"We're excited to pioneer this innovative approach in the UK museum sector. By inviting citizens to shape the future of their museums, we're ensuring that our transformation truly reflects the needs and aspirations of our citizens, communities and the city.
We believe that Birmingham should have world class museums that we can all be proud of - the museums and the collections belong to the people of Birmingham and we trust our citizens to make decisions about the future. The recommendations made by this Jury will have a direct impact on what we do in the future."

Up to 30 participants from across the city will be selected through a two-stage lottery process to ensure a representative cross-section of Birmingham's population. The Jury will meet over 6 sessions in October and November 2024, combining online and in-person meetings. Participants will receive £360 in vouchers as compensation for their time.

Social enterprise Shared Future has been commissioned to run the process drawing on their wealth of experience in this field, alongside DemocracyNext who is supporting as an advisor and critical friend to the process. The Jury will be supported by an Oversight Panel, who ensures the process is in line with best practice principles.

This initiative is part of Birmingham Museum Trust's broader transformation strategy, aiming to reinvent the city's museums as genuinely democratic and inclusive spaces for the 21st century. The Citizens' Jury model has proven successful in addressing complex issues and driving meaningful change in various sectors worldwide.

The Birmingham Museums Citizens’ Jury has been funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund, thanks to National Lottery Players.