Local Historic People: Mr Andrew, Miller at Sarehole Mill
ResourcesName of the person: Mr George Andrew
Job: Miller
Biography: When Mr Andrew was 18 he became a miller working with his father at Sarehole Mill. They were tenants at the mill which means that someone else owned the land and he worked it, producing flour for the local area.
Born: Born approx. 1873.
Married: He never married.
Short fun fact: He was nicknamed the white ogre by J.R.R Tolkien.
Education: He would have been educated locally.
Key Facts:
Key Fact 1
He lived at Sarehole all of his life.
Key Fact 2
When the mill stopped milling in 1919 he became a florist and grew flowers at the back of the mill.
Key Fact 3
He was the last miller at Sarehole Mill.

For the little ones
Read the story book of Little Red Hen by Jonathan Allen. Don’t forget to include the farm animal noises in your story. Why not have a go at making your own bread, check out Sarehole Mill Bakehouse Instagramposts on how to make bread.
For kids
Using recycled materials around the house can you create your very own water wheel? Create a short video and share this with us at @BMTLearning. To find out more about what a water wheel is check out our video at the bottom of this page.
For young adults
Find out how milling flour was done in the 19th Century and how the Industrial Revolution impacted the industry. To learn more about how Sarehole Mill operated, watch a video (below) from Natalie our Learning and Engagement Officer on site. How do you think flour is made today? Let us know @BMTLearning .