Museum Loans
Professional servicesBirmingham Museums Trust (BMT) has a long and generous tradition of lending works to other galleries and museums within the UK and internationally for short-term loans to temporary public exhibitions and long-term loans. We welcome requests to lend items as important means of making our collections more widely available to the public.
Our active loans programme contributes to the increase and dissemination of knowledge. It plays a key role in raising the profile of Birmingham and enabling those unable to visit the city to enjoy and learn from the collection.

We aim to fulfil loan requests which meet the objectives of our loans programme, as outlined below:
- To broaden the people of Birmingham’s access to the collections in new ways and reach new audiences, encouraging engagement or participation from those who traditionally have not visited museums
- To add to the appreciation and understanding of the collection and raise its public profile regionally, nationally and internationally
- To raise the profile of Birmingham Museums Trust and Birmingham as a cultural city
- To contribute to distinctive exhibitions which have well thought through proposals
- To support new research that will contribute to our knowledge and understanding of the object(s) on loan
- To support closer strategic partnerships with museums, galleries and other organisations
We ask that potential borrowers submit loan requests with a minimum of 12 months’ notice. Our Loans Programme is currently full until the end of 2025, although we welcome requests for exhibitions opening after that date.
If you would like to speak to us to discuss loans requests for exhibitions opening from January 2026 onwards, please contact
For further details download the Lending Guidelines and Procedures PDF document or the same information can be found on this page.
Lending Guidelines and Procedures
2. Loans Out (To Borrowers) / 2.1 Loans Out - Requesting a Loan
For local community partners and venues see section 'Local community partners and venues' below.
Potential borrowers are advised to discuss initial loan ideas with the relevant collection curator at Birmingham Museums Trust before submitting a formal loan request.
BMT requires a minimum twelve months’ notice from international, national and regional borrowers.
A formal loan request letter must be sent to Zak Mensah and Sara Wajid, Co-CEOs of Birmingham
Zak Mensah & Sara Wajid,
Birmingham Museum & Art Gallery,
Chamberlain Square,
B3 3DH
The request letter should detail the following:
- Object details of the proposed loan item(s), including the accession number
- Proposed loan dates and in the case of exhibitions, any tour venues and related tour dates
- A clear rationale for proposing the loan of a particular object or group of objects
- Graphs showing the relative humidity and temperature in the space(s) where the item(s) requested will be displayed for the same period the previous year
- A UKRG Facilities Report and Security Supplement for the proposed loan venue(s)
- Contact details for the borrower’s Collections Access Officer (Loans) or loans administrator
2.2 Local community partners and venues
BMT seeks to make the collections accessible to Birmingham people as its highest priority. BMT will work closely with local non-museum community partners and support them in safely borrowing items from the collection. For more information, please contact the Collections Access Officer (Loans) at:
2.3 Lending Procedures
The loan request will be reviewed by the Collections Access Officer (Loans), relevant collections curator and Conservation Manager, before assessed at a monthly Collections Committee meeting, chaired by the Director of Collections & Estate, where the committee will recommend a decision based on BMT’s loans criteria (see section 2.4). These recommendations will then be presented to the Co-CEOs of BMT and senior leadership team, for final approval. Following their decision, the Collections Access Officer (Loans) will inform the borrower via email of the final decision and a letter from the Co-CEOs will be sent to confirm this decision.
If the loan request is approved, then the Collections Access Officer (Loans) will contact you to outline the costs and display or transport requirements specific to the item(s) requested following a conservation assessment of the object(s), and to clarify any information outstanding from the submitted Facilities Report and Security Supplement. BMT will provide details of the provenance of the object(s) so that Due Diligence can be checked by the borrower. Once these discussions are concluded, the Collections Access Officer (Loans) will send the borrower a loan agreement to be signed digitally.
Borrowers should be aware that Birmingham Museums Trust receives a high volume of loan requests each year and is unable to support them all, owing to its own collection commitments and limited technical resources. It is vital that borrowers consider BMT’s lending criteria before submitting a formal loan request.
2.4 Lending Criteria
BMT will lend to museums of Accredited or equivalent status, and to other organisations that are able to comply with the conditions of loan.
Loans will be considered that support the objectives of our Loans Programme (see objectives above) and meet the following additional criteria:
- The object is in sufficiently good physical condition to travel, subject to appropriate conservation treatment and preventive measures
- The loan of an object will have no detrimental impact on the delivery of BMT’s own committed and planned programmes
- There are no legal or ethical restrictions relating to the loan of the object
- The loan poses no wider risks, such as risk of seizure
- The borrower meets Birmingham Museums Trust’s contractual requirements in terms of costs, interpretation, public access, acknowledgements, security and environmental conditions
Loans will also be declined for the following reasons:
- The object has recently returned from loan and requires a three-year rest period
- The object is already committed to another loan during the same period
- There is insufficient research in the proposed request to justify the loan and enable a greater understanding of the object
- Insufficient notice has been provided (minimum twelve months’ notice for international,national and regional requests)
- The proposed venue cannot supply an acceptable UKRG facilities report, security supplement and suitable environmental readings, or these indicate that the venue will not provide conditions suitable for the preservation of the item(s) requested
Please note that as part of any loan, we will require the lender to send BMT their visitor attendance figures, either for the duration of the temporary exhibition, or annually in the case of longer-term loans.
2.4 Loan Costs
The Borrower will be required to cover all costs relating to the loan and this is explained below.
The main services provided by BMT to support lending are as follows:
- Object condition checking
- Conservation treatment (where there is capacity in-house)
- Photography / image reproduction (as specified by the picture librarian)
- Administration charge (applied to international loans)
Additional associated costs for lending that must also be covered by the borrower:
- External conservation services (where required)
- Mounting, framing and glazing of 2D works
- Insurance
- Export / import / customs fees
- Packing and crating
- Transport
- Travel and accommodation for BMT couriers
- Collections Access Officer (Loans)’s time for large or complex loans, as agreed with the Collections Access Officer (Loans)
- Technicians’ time for large or complex loans, as agreed with the Collections Access Officer (Loans)
- The supply of a complimentary exhibition catalogue to BMT featuring the loan, where applicable
2.5 External conservation and mounting, framing and glazing of 2D works
Birmingham Museums Trust will advise as early as possible after the loan is approved whether or not any necessary conservation treatment can be carried out in-house and also whether any 2D works need to be mounted, framed or glazed to make them suitable for loan. Where such work is required, BMT will arrange for the work to be carried out. Costs should be paid directly to the company commissioned to undertake this work, who will invoice the borrower directly. Should the proposed loan not go ahead for any reason and conservation treatment or framing, mounting and glazing have already been carried out, the borrower will still be invoiced for these associated costs despite the loan not going ahead.
2.6 Packing and Crating
Birmingham Museums Trust will advise as early as possible after the loan is approved whether or not the item(s) requested have an existing crate or travel frame. Where works do not, the Collections Access Officer (Loans) will advise how the works should be packed so that the borrower can procure appropriate crates or travel frames to be constructed by their appointed collection specialist transport agent.
Works should be packed by technicians from the borrower’s appointed collection specialist transport agent before they leave the BMT site where they are stored, and on return the works should be unpacked and the crates taken away for disposal.
2.7 Couriers
Birmingham Museums Trust acknowledges the financial and environmental burden of courier travel, so seeks to use virtual couriers wherever possible. In practice this means that a video call will be arranged ahead of the installation date(s) so that a member of BMT staff can oversee the unpacking, condition checking and installation of all loan item(s), as well as the deinstallation, condition checking and repacking at the end of the exhibition.
Birmingham Museums Trust will inform the borrower as early as possible on the loan’s approval if they intend to send a courier in person. BMT may send a courier for the following reasons:
- BMT has not lent to the venue before and has concerns about installation or accessarrangements.
- Item(s) require specific expertise to install
- Item(s) have specific condition concerns
- Where required to meet insurance or indemnity requirements for high-value objects.
Where an in-person courier is specified, unless otherwise agreed, the courier must be present before the crates are opened. The courier will oversee the unpacking and installation of the object(s) as well as the de-installation and repacking at the end of an exhibition. BMT will endeavour to reduce courier costs where possible by liaising with other lenders to consolidate shipments and share duties. It may not always be necessary for the courier to oversee the transit. However, all items on loan from BMT’s collection must be supervised as previously agreed and the Collections Access Officer (Loans) will require contact details of any other couriers overseeing BMT loans on its behalf.
Where BMT requires a courier to support a loan, the borrower will be responsible for meeting all reasonable courier expenses for travel with the loan object on both the outward and return journeys. The following conditions apply:
UK Loans
The borrower will supply:
- Travel tickets for rail or reimbursement for mileage
- Accommodation close to the borrowing venue (if applicable)
- Per diem to be agreed prior to travel
International Loans
- For couriers travelling outside Europe by air, business class flights are only required where couriers will be travelling with objects.
- Transport to/from airports
- Accommodation close to the borrowing venue: BMT couriers to European venues will receive 3 nights’ accommodation and expenses; travel to USA and non European countries will require 4 nights’ accommodation and expenses.
- Per diem to be agreed prior to travel
Information guide/map of the area with directions to the museum and schedule of installation.
2.8 Transport
Loan objects travelling by road must be carried in a climate-controlled vehicle compliant with UK Government Indemnity regulations and accompanied by no fewer than two people at all times. The vehicle must have a tail lift and must not be left unattended at any time. Overnight stops should beavoided. If for any reason the vehicle cannot reach the destination within the agreed hours, an appropriate alternative plan must be considered prior to transit and agreed with BMT’s Collections Access Officer (Loans), to avoid objects being stored overnight on the vehicle. It is preferable for objects to be stored in specialist art storage facilities and the Collections Access Officer (Loans) must be informed of any changes to storage or travel routes.
Crates and travel frames must travel in the position shown on the crate/travel frame and wherever possible aligned with the length of the case in the direction of travel. The crates must not be unpacked without BMT’s assigned courier being present to oversee this process whether in person or virtually, unless otherwise stated by the Collections Access Officer (Loans).
Throughout the period of loan the crate or travel frame should be stored indoors under the same conditions as those agreed for the display of the loan objects. If this is not possible, at least twentyfour hours must be allowed for the packing materials to acclimatise to the specified RH and temperature levels before the works are repacked.
All packing materials will be retained for repacking and objects will be packed in the same manner as that originally employed.
The borrower will return the loan objects within fourteen days of the closing date of the exhibition and before the end date of the loan agreement. The Borrower will immediately notify BMT’s Collections Access Officer (Loans) in the event of any actual or anticipated delay.
BMT reserves the right to recall any loan item at any time, provided that it will not do so except in the event of some compelling and unforeseen circumstance.
The Borrower will supply one complimentary copy of the exhibition catalogue to BMT upon the opening of the exhibition. Complementary tickets into the exhibition / museum for any launch events should be provided for a minimum of two representatives from BMT.
2.9 Insurance
The Borrower will ensure the loan objects are covered for all risks on a “nail to nail” basis in transit, in store, and while on loan, using the valuations supplied by BMT in these conditions. Such indemnity or commercial insurance shall include provision for:
- In the case of loss or destruction of the loan item, payment of the agreed valuation
- In the case of damage to the loan item, a sum not exceeding the agreed valuation, representing the cost of reasonable repair and an amount equal to any reduction in the market value of the loan item after such repairs have been carried out
- Terrorism cover should be included in the policy where possible.
- A copy of the insurance policy must be forwarded to BMT’s Collections Access Officer (Loans) at least one month in advance of the date of collection of the loan item(s).
- Immunity from seizure should be applied if applicable for international loans
If any changes to the item(s) are noted on arrival or while the item(s) is/are on display, the borrower must inform BMT’s Collections Access Officer (Loans) as soon as possible. Any alterations to how the item(s) is/are packed or displayed must be agreed in advance before they are carried out.
If the item(s) are lost, stolen or damaged in any way in transit or while on display, the borrower must notify BMT as soon as possible with a full Incident Report, setting out the nature and extent of the loss or damage including detailed images of any damage so that this can be recorded by BMT’s
Collections Access Officer (Loans).
2.10 Security
Security measures appropriate to the loan item(s)’ safekeeping will be in place throughout the period of loan. These will be assessed through reviewing the borrower’s UKRG Security Supplement and appropriate measures will be agreed in writing prior to collection of the loan item(s). Any changes to security procedures or protocol during the loan period must be sent to the BMT Collections Access Officer (Loans).
2.11 Environment
The Borrower will maintain a stable climate for the loan objects as follows:
- Light levels for works on paper will not exceed 50-80 lux and for oil paintings 150-200 lux.
- Light levels for other organic materials will not exceed 200 lux.
- Relative humidity and temperature must be in the range 45-60% RH 20ºC ± 2ºC or as otherwise agreed in writing on the advice of BMT’s Collections Care Department.
- UV levels will not exceed 75 microwatts/lumen.
Environmentally sensitive loans must not be unpacked at their destination for twenty-four hours, in order to allow time for the materials to acclimatise. Loans travelling by air will not be unpacked for at least twenty-four hours. It is expected that air-conditioning systems and environmental control equipment will run twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week or as otherwise agreed with BMT to minimise fluctuations in relative humidity and temperature. The BMT courier or assigned representative will check light levels before departure. If a BMT courier is not present in person, the borrower will send the BMT Collections Access Officer (Loans) final light readings once light levels for
the exhibition are set.
2.12 Care of the Loan Object(s)
- The Borrower agrees that the loan object(s) will not in any way be treated, cleaned, repaired or submitted to any scientific examination except for photography or in an emergency with the written permission of BMT.
- Any evident change in the condition of the loan object(s), either in transit or during the exhibition will be reported immediately to the BMT Collections Access Officer (Loans).
- Any condition reports relating to loan object(s) and packed in the case will be completed on arrival and departure at each venue and returned to BMT with the objects at the end of the exhibition within two weeks. Loans will not be moved without the courier present either in person or virtually at installation or de-installation.
- Should the BMT Collections Access Officer (Loans) consider that the loan object(s) should be examined by one of BMT’s officers the expenses incurred by such examination shall be borne by the Borrower. Loan objects will be firmly and finally attached to the wall or locked into a showcase in the presence of the BMT courier. The loan should remain in the set position agreed with the courier for the duration of the exhibition. Loans will not be moved until the courier returns at the end of the exhibition, unless BMT’s Collections Access Officer (Loans) has given permission for the borrower to do so.
- Unless previously arranged and agreed in writing, all two-dimensional works will be glazed (there may be a charge if non-reflect laminated glass is required) and backed, and all three dimensional works will be displayed in secured showcases.
2.13 Working objects
Where a borrower wishes to operate a loan item, they must state this clearly in their initial loan request. The item will be assessed by BMT’s Conservation and Technical teams and operation will only be permitted if they deem that the item is suitable to be operated during the Loan Period.
BMT will agree an Operation and Maintenance Plan with the Borrower. This will set out all tasks and inspections necessary to ensure the continuous protective care and safe management of loan item(s) when they are static or in operation. The Borrower will operate the loan item(s) in accordance with this Operation and Maintenance Plan for the duration of the loan period.
Where loan item(s) are being operated, the borrower will keep a record of any defects that occur as well as all maintenance undertaken to resolve the defect in accordance with the Operation and Maintenance plan. No repairs will be undertaken without BMT’s prior permission and such permission will not be unreasonably withheld. Where a repair is approved, the Borrower will document the process in detail describing the decision-making process, the methods and materials used. Photographic records will be made to illustrate the condition of the loan item(s) before, during and after repair. The Borrower will make this documentation available to BMT at the end of the loan period or on request.
The Borrower shall ensure that the maintenance and operation of the loan item(s) is undertaken by an individual who through relevant training and experience can undertake tasks in compliance with relevant regulations pertaining to the work being undertaken (a “Competent Person”). Any repairs, restoration or reconstruction approved by BMT will also be undertaken by a Competent Person.
The borrowing institution shall be responsible for ensuring all statutory and regulatory requirements relating to the maintenance and operation of the loan item(s) are met and adhered to as well as any repairs in advance by BMT.
The borrower shall ensure that their insurance policy will cover the cost of repairing any damage to the item.
2.14 Photography and Reproduction
The loan object(s) must not be individually photographed, filmed, televised or reproduced without prior consent of BMT although there is no objection to general views of an exhibition being taken for press and publicity purposes. All permitted photographs of the loan object(s) must be credited ‘Birmingham Museums Trust’.
For images in catalogues and on websites the credit line must state:
‘Lent by Birmingham Museums Trust on behalf of Birmingham City Council’
For photography reproduction and copyright requests please contact the BMT Picture Librarian:
2.15 Loan Acknowledgement
Any loan on display must include the following credit line:
‘Lent by Birmingham Museums Trust on behalf of Birmingham City Council’
‘Lent by Birmingham Museums Trust on behalf of Birmingham City Council.
Donated by [insert as appropriate]’
3. Long-Term Loans Out (To Borrowers)
Long term loans are defined as a loan(s) to one venue for 12 months or more.
Requests for long-term loans must be submitted via a letter to the Co-CEOs of Birmingham Museums Trust as set out at 2.1 above and will be assessed via the same criteria set out at 1 and 2.3 above.
The process of loan negotiation will follow that set out in section 2 above and borrowers should note that they will be asked to provide up to date UKRG Facilities Report, Security Supplement and where applicable display case supplement for the space(s) where the loan item(s) will be displayed, in addition to continuous environmental data, ideally in graph form, and confirmation of insurance.
Long-term borrowers will be asked to record visitor figures for the loan and supply these to BMT annually.
If a borrower wishes to operate a loan item while it is on long-term loan, they must state this clearly in their initial loan application. Where the item is currently in working order, it will be assessed by BMT’s Conservation and Technical teams and operation will only be permitted if they deem that the item is suitably robust to withstand operation on the basis the prospective borrower has set out. If the item is not currently in working order but the borrower would like to restore it to working order, they must supply BMT with a detailed proposal of works, along with a timescale for these works and a risk assessment and method statement for carrying them out. These will be reviewed by BMT’s technical and conservation teams. If approved, the borrower will be asked to provide regular progress reports on the restoration work. In either case, operation will comply with the terms set out under 2.13 above.
The Borrower will keep Operation and Maintenance logs and will send copies of these to BMT annually. If more interventive repairs are required the borrower will inform BMT’s Collections Access Officer (Loans). BMT may send a member of staff or contractor to carry out these repairs or may authorise the Borrower to undertake repairs. In the latter instance, the borrower will supply a detailed risk assessment and method statement with timescales for assessment by BMT’s technical and conservation teams to approve and will send a report confirming that works have been carried out.
BMT reserves the right to send a member of staff to inspect loan items at any point during the loan term. Their travel and, if applicable, accommodation will be at the borrower’s expense. BMT will give borrowers not less than a months’ notice of any proposed visit and timings will be negotiated in good time with the borrower.
Long-term loans out will be agreed for a maximum period of three years, with a review date agreedsix months prior to the end of the loan period at which point the borrower and BMT will agree whether the loan will be extended for a further three years or the item(s) returned to BMT. Loan periods longer than three years will be considered only in exceptional circumstances. It is vital that long-term borrowers notify BMT of any change of contact, address, telephone number or email address so that the loan can be renewed if both sides wish to or that items can be returned in a timely manner at the end of the loan period. BMT will notify the lender if their contact changes.
In order to renew the loan, BMT may ask that the borrower demonstrates that the loan is still on public display and meeting the loan criteria set out at section 1 above. BMT will also ask the borrower to supply photographs of the item(s) in situ, a condition report for each item, and updated UKRG Facilities Report, Security Supplement and Display Case Supplement if relevant. If the borrower operates the object under the conditions set out at 2.13 above, they will supply
maintenance logs to BMT as part of the renewal process. The borrower will also supply proof of insurance, and BMT will advise if insurance values need to be adjusted. The renewal will be considered by BMT’s Collections Committee and then BMT will issue a loan agreement.
In the event that the agreement expires before a new agreement can be negotiated, the loan will continue as if the provisions of the expired agreement were still in force until a new agreement is reached.
4. Long-Term Loans In (To Birmingham Museums Trust)
Birmingham Museums Trust will consider borrowing items on a long-term basis (12 months or more) where the items meet the following criteria:
- The item has a strong Birmingham connection.
- The item enables us to tell stories we would be unable to with BMT’s own collection.
- The item supports an existing long-term display or will be displayed in the next three years.
- The item is the subject of a current, active research project.
- BMT has capacity to care for the item effectively and to undertake any conservation work required to make the item ready for display or movement.
- BMT has capacity to store and display the item to Spectrum standards.
These criteria will be used in considering new incoming loans and in considering loan renewal. Any existing long term loans in that do not meet these criteria will be returned to lenders.
Long-term loans in which form part of a binding bequest or are offered as acceptance in lieu of tax will be assessed as if they were acquisition proposals and should fall within the criteria of BMT’s Collection Development Policy. Proposals for acceptance in lieu of tax in situ will not be considered.
BMT cannot and will not guarantee that a long-term loan in will remain on public display at all times.
All proposals for new long-term loans into BMT’s collection and long-term loan in renewals must be recommended to the Collections Committee before approval by BMT’s Co-CEOs and senior leadership team.
Where required, BMT will then provide facilities reports, security supplements and environmental readings to support requests for new long-term loans or long-term loan renewals. A copy of the insurance policy covering the loans will also be submitted to the owner/lender. Once approved by the lender, BMT can also provide a loan agreement for private lenders/institutions where they do not supply an agreement. It is important that the lender provides details of the provenance of the objects so that Due Diligence can be exercised.
Long-term loans in will be agreed for a maximum period of three years, with a review date agreed six months prior to the end of the loan period at which point the borrower and BMT will agree whether the loan will be extended for a further three years or the item(s) returned to the lender.
It is vital that long-term lenders notify BMT of any change of contact, address, telephone number or email address so that the loan can be renewed if both sides wish to or that items can be returned in a timely manner at the end of the loan period. BMT will notify the lender if their contact changes.
Where contact has been lost with a lender and BMT wishes to renew the loan, BMT will undertake a diligent search to ascertain the current owner of the item and to find their contact details. BMT will attempt to contact them by email, telephone and registered letter. If after attempting to contact the lender by registered letter they are unable to establish contact with the current owner of the item or do not receive a response from the current owner within three months¹, BMT shall assume
responsibility for the item as if it were a part of its own collections.
Where long-term loan items cease to meet the criteria listed above, BMT will seek to return them to their owners. BMT will contact the lender to notify them of our intentions to return the item.² If no response is received within three months of this notice, BMT shall assume responsibility for the item as if it were a part of its own collections.
¹ This is to satisfy the Notice Requirements set out at Part II of Schedule 1 to the Torts (Interference with Goods) Act 1977
² This is to satisfy the Notice Requirements set out at Part I of Schedule 1 to the Torts (Interference with Goods) Act 1977.
5. Short-Term Loans In (To Birmingham Museums Trust)
Birmingham Museums Trust may borrow items for exhibitions or temporary displays that meet the following criteria:
- The item enables us to tell a story we would not be able to tell with BMT’s collection alone
- The item is vital to the exhibition storyline or forms part of a turnkey touring exhibition which BMT has committed to borrow in its entirety
- BMT has resource and capacity to transport, condition report and display the item safely and to SPECTRUM standards, and to return it at the end of the exhibition period
All items borrowed must be for a specific exhibition or display, and for a defined period. BMT will ask lenders for a contact name, address, telephone number and email contact, which will be entered onto the loan agreement. It is vital that any change in contact or contact details during the Loan Period is communicated to BMT. BMT will inform lenders of any change in contact from their side as well. BMT will also obtain a description of each item, provenance details, an insurance valuation and credit line from the lender, all of which will be entered onto the loan agreement. BMT will provide a loan agreement for private lenders/institutions where they do not supply an agreement. It is important that the lender provides details of the provenance of the objects so that Due Diligence can be exercised.
The Collections Access Officer (Loans) can supply a facilities report, security supplement and display case supplement if required by the lender. On receipt of the signed loan agreement, the Collections Access Officer (Loans) will also arrange for insurance cover for the items for the loan period, and if required send a copy of the policy showing insurance is in place to the lender.
Shipping will be arranged on a case-by-case basis and agreed in advance with the lender. The BMT contact who receives the items will ensure that a loan receipt is signed on entry and collection of items, with one copy retained by the museum and the other given to the lender.
A courier may be sent to install the object(s). If the courier is on site for only one day BMT will pay the courier’s expenses as negotiated between the venues. If the courier requires to be on site for longer than one day BMT will provide a per diem which will be a negotiable rate between the borrower and the lender. Accommodation will also be organised if required close to the museum.
BMT’s Collections Access Officer (Loans) will provide details to enable the courier to locate the hotel and access the museum with ease.
6. Research Loans
Research loans can be carried out at BMT. Requests to borrow a single or small group of objects for research will only be considered where the examination requires specialist laboratory treatment that cannot be provided on site at BMT. However, where a substantial body of material is required to be assessed by different experts (for example re-assessment of an archaeological archive) then applications for loan will be considered from research institutions. All costs associated with the loan must be met by the borrower and BMT must be provided with a copy of a facilities report, security supplement, environmental readings and insurance policy to cover the value of the object/s for the transit and on site externally. The duration of a research loan will usually be for a period of no longer than three years.
7. Required Loans Documents
For a copy of the UKRG facilities report, security and display supplement visit the UK Registrars Group website:
For a copy of UK GIS guidelines see the Arts Council Website.
Please refer to our website for more information on our collection.
Review Procedure
This updated version of the Lending Guidelines and Procedures was approved by BMT’s Co-CEOs on 8 November 2024 and by BMT’s Board of Trustees on 15th November 2024. The guidelines will be reviewed at least every 5 years, with the next date for review November 2029. The Charges for Lending will be reviewed on an annual basis.
Changes control
Issue: v1
Issue: v1.
Date: 1 01.03.2022
Author: Loans Registrar
Comments: Updates to section 2 to give greater clarity and ensure guidance is in line with BMT’s current couriering policy.
Issue: v1.2
Date: 1 01.03.2022
Author: Loans Registrar
Comments: Updates to section 3 Long Loans Out for greater clarity and to bring guidelines into line with BMT Working Object Policy. Updates to section 4 Long Loans In, for greater transparency and to bring into line with current practice.
Issue: V1.3
Date: 1.03.2022
Author: Loans Registrar
Comments: Updates to sections 5 Short Term Loans In and section 6 Query on Research Loans to give greater clarity.
Issue: V1.4
Date: 1.11.24
Authors: Collections Access Officer (Loans), Head of Collections, Director of Collections & Estate
Comments: Updated to better reflect BMT’s vision and aims, to reflect current job role titles and acknowledgement that wider staff (beyond curators) may be a part of requesting loans in.
Appendix 1: Birmingham Museums Trust Charges for Lending
A contribution toward the costs of administering a loan will be applied to international borrowers.
Certain UK borrowers may also attract a cost toward the administration of a loan:
- Borrowers who would incur a charge include: National Museums; University Museums; Private Museums; Commercial Galleries
- Borrowers who would not incur a charge include: Local Authority Museums and museum services run on behalf of Local Authorities; any museum within the West Midlands; Members of the English Civic Museums Network; local non-museum community venues andpartners
BMT reserves the right to waive loan charges where it sees a significant benefit to a loan.
UK Borrowers which do not attract a charge
- Up to 5 objects: No Charge
- Up to 10 objects: No Charge
- Loans of more than 10 objects: No Charge
- Additional Venue: To be negotiated
UK Borrowers which do attract a charge
- Up to 5 objects: £350
- Up to 10 objects: £50 per additional object
- Loans of more than 10 objects: £50 per additional object
- Additional Venue: £120 per venue
International Borrowers
- Up to 5 objects: £1500
- Up to 10 objects: £120 per additional object
- Loans of more than 10 objects: To be negotiated
- Additional Venue: £500 per venue
Loans Preparation Costs
Borrowers will also be liable for direct costs related to Object Preparation; these charges have been kept to a minimum, reflect standard UK museums charges and cover the services carried out by BMT staff including material costs to prepare loans.
Charges for Object Preparation:
Works on paper
- Condition report: £50 per work
- Conservation treatment (if undertaken by BMT): £45 per hour
- Packing (if undertaken by BMT): £40 per work* per hour
- Condition report: £50 per work
- Conservation treatment (if undertaken by BMT): £45 per hour (limited in-house capacity)
- Packing (if undertaken by BMT): £40 per work* per hour
- Condition report: £50 per work
- Conservation treatment (if undertaken by BMT): £45 per hour
- Packing (if undertaken by BMT): £80 per work* per hour
- Condition report: £50 per work
- Conservation treatment (if undertaken by BMT): £45 per hour
- Packing (if undertaken by BMT): £80 per work* per hour
All costs are subject to size, for large or complex artworks the examination cost will be quoted separately by the registrar prior to booking.
For additional services these hourly rates apply and the registrar will confirm the costs:
- BMT Technicians rate per hour £60.00 (per two technicians)
- BMT Conservation rate per hour £45.00
BMT has no capacity for framing or mount making in-house, and limited capacity for conservation treatment, packing and technical services. Where this loan preparation work cannot be completed in house, the BMT Loans Registrar will advise the borrower as soon as possible in loan discussions. BMT will arrange for conservation or framing to be conducted by a local supplier but the costs will be paid directly by the borrower.
Where mount making, packing or technical services are required the borrower will normally be expected to arrange this with their appointed mount maker or transport agent. BMT will provide necessary information and facilitate access when required.