The Pixel Studio is our new digital gallery and activity space.

This digital space will host screenings of digital work and immersive experiences created by artists and producers from across the region, as well as showcasing collaborations using the collections as an inspiration. The Pixel Studio will also host a range of digital activities, games and workshops.

There are currently two films on display: 'The Tiny Spark' and 'Excerpt'. These are repeated throughout the day.

The Tiny Spark, 2023, Directed by Pogus Caesar

The Tiny Spark reimagines the 1985 Handsworth Riots and takes the viewer on a journey that bears witness to those fateful days on the streets of inner-city Birmingham. The film features the poetry of Benjamin Zephaniah and mesmerising artworks from the film’s director, Pogus Caesar.

Haunting and emotive performances come from spoken word artists Juice Aleem, Chauntelle Madondo and Samiir Saunders. The film features a specially composed soundscape by the eclectic underground artist TaberCayon.

The Tiny Spark was produced and directed by Pogus Caesar and supported by Birmingham Museums Trust, Windrush Productions and OOM Gallery Archive. On loan from the artist.

Running time: 16 minutes 44 seconds.

Black and white photograph of a burning car on its side with fire fighters hosing it. Writing over the top reads 'The Tiny Spark, dark poetry writ in rebel time. Juice Aleem, Chauntelle Madondo, Samir Saunders, Benjamin Zephaniah, Pogus Caesar, Soundscape by Tabacayon. Produced and directed by Windrush Productions;.

Excerpt, 2020, Mixed Milk.

Mixed Milk. is the work of Martin McNally, a filmmaker, animator and artist based in Birmingham. This artwork crops selected details from museum objects in Birmingham’s collection, re-sequencing and binding them by their similarities, exposing hidden narratives while shining a light on intimacy and connection.

Can you spot some of your favourite objects from the collection?

Excerpt was produced as part of Cut, Copy, Remix, a project in association with Black Hole Club exploring the creative potential of Birmingham Museums Trust’s Digital Image resource.
On loan from the artist.

Running time: 5 minutes 26 seconds.